
I am Ziyue Monica Piao, a Ph.D. student at Input Devices and Music Interaction Lab, McGill University supervised by Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley and Prof. Isabelle Cossette. I am also a student member of CIRMMT and student coordinator of CIRMMT RA3: cognition, perception & movement.

My research interests center around New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), with a particular focus on musical haptics and embodied interaction. I aim to use sensor technology and haptics to facilitate a shared kinesthetic music experience among diverse individuals (I call it musical embodied empathy). I have worked as a research assistant with Prof. Gus Xia at Music X Lab, NYU Shanghai, Prof. Roger Dannenberg at CMU, and Prof. Felipe Verdugo at UdeM.

As a classically trained soprano, I enjoy performing opera and am also evolving into a augmented singer using wearable synthesizers. My leisure time unfolds with engaging activities such as video games 🎮, photography 📷, delicacies 🍲, and yoga 🧘.



MappEMG: Enhancing Music Pedagogy by Mapping Electromyography to Multimodal Feedback
Ziyue Piao, Marcelo M. Wanderley, and Felipe Verdugo
ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation, ArtsIT 2023.
[Paper] [Video]

Sensing the Breath: A Multimodal Singing Tutoring Interface with Breath Guidance
Ziyue Piao and Gus Xia
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2022
[Paper] [Video]

A Wearable Haptic Interface for Breath Guidance in Vocal Training
Yinmiao Li, Ziyue Piao, and Gus Xia
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2021
[Paper] [Video]


A Singing Guidance User Interface

Singing Voice Synthesis with Tension

Explored muscle tension dysphonia and write an article to explain the dysphonia to public as the final project report of MUGT611.


  • singing
  • education


Dao: A Laptop Orchestra performance

Composed a Laptop Orchestra music for four performers. The music work exhibited in SJTU Sprout 2020 Exhibition.


  • Mira
  • RTcmix
